日期:2020-07-03 00:00:00 阅读量:0 &苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;作者:补老师推荐信是申请在的重要材料之"一,是判断美国留学申请人的主要参考依据。推荐信的撰写对于申请成功至关重要。那么,我应该怎么写推荐信去美国留学呢?接下来,让优弗教育小编给大家介绍美国留学推荐信撰写策略,希望对大家有所帮助。
Letter of Recommendation
Dear Admissions Officer,
I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation to support http://Mr.XXX’s application tothemaster program of computer science at your esteemed university. I have known Mr.XXXsince his enrollment in our university as I have taught him multiple courses, including Data Structure, Operating System and Database, and he is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding students I have met.
As the advisor of his Data Structure course, I have witnessed http://Mr.XXX’s strong intellectual ability. To accomplish the lab assignment, he self-studied Python and acquired deep insights into algorithms, which later significantly contributed to his prize in Blue Bridge Algorithm Contest. In my course of Database, Mr.XXXdemonstrated profound understanding of database design and structural query language (SQL) and made full use of the knowledge in the back-stage management of a website program he engaged in. Moreover, when it came to the course of Operating System, Mr.XXXnot only mastered the knowledge and of computer bottom layer operating system through classes and self-learning, but also achieved to write an operating system similar to Linux 0.11, which really impressed me.
Being passionate and self-motivated, Mr.XXXhas actively participated in various events and won many honors and awards. In College Students' Innovative Entrepreneurial Training Plan Program, his innovative thinking played a crucial role in their project: A Psychological Counseling System based on NPL (natural language processing), an application aiming at solving college students’ psychological issues. Due to the novelty and practicability, the project got national project approval. I also had the honor to be Mr. Lu’s advisor during Challenge Cup Competition, in which he performed an articulate speech about their program and got qualified for the provincial competition.
Apart from the above merits, Mr.XXXhas also proved to be a valuable member in a team. He usually acts asthe team leader and takes the responsibilities to unite the team, distribute work, and communicate with team members to complete their work smoothly. His excellent teamwork has earned the members’ respect and appraise.
In light of http://Mr.XXX’s well-rounded theoretical and practical academic background as well as his talent, I hope he will find a job about machine learning and keep thriving in this field. I believe a master degree in computer science will help him to achieve this goal and I am sure he will also make remarkable contributions to the community. Thus, I give him my absolute recommendation to your competitive program. If you need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
优弗教育将全面提升课程平台优势(推出全新的学生评价体系——A New Model),我们除能够看到海外招生官的直播和课程,还能看到以下人物的直播及课程:海外顾问、资深申请专家、各行各业的大牛和精英、国内外资深教授等等。课程内容除美国留学名校申请技巧、注意事项、权威解析等,优弗留学素质课程()也已上线推广,让大家提前汲取美式教育中的可取之"处,提前适应美式课堂、美式思维。让大家不仅能顺利收获美国名校翱贵贵贰搁,还能在美国留学期间顺利完成学业。